Hi I'm Matt
Since 2012 I've been a Peak Performance Psychologist and Coach for some of the biggest names in the creative and entertainment industry.
The results I get are deep and profound, unbreakable under pressure, and bullshit free. Which is why some people call me the Subconscious Bullshit Eliminator.
But most just call me Matt.

Debullshitify Your Creative Brain For Free
Get the pressure-tested tools you need to life in the flow zone that you NEVER want to escape from – every week.
Coaching leaders and their teams at...
Let's not beat around the bush, it's really bloody tough being a rock-solid leader these days. The pressure to be brilliant is immense, the recovery periods are next to non-existent, and the time to sit down and ‘get shit done’ has fallen off the face of a cliff.
In an effort to keep up, stay relevant, and stop the spotlight on your front turning into a target on your back, you push your brain to the brink, run your nervous system into the ground, and drive your loved ones up the wall – with an immune system that's battered to buggery, and a subconscious that's soaked in fear.
Yet despite what the self-help brigade may say, the mindfulness bores may preach, and the carbon-copy coaches may insist, following your breath, consciously setting goals, and colouring in a silly little Wheel of Life is NOT the way to optimise your performance without sacrificing your sanity. But I can show you what will...

An hour with Matt is worth a thousand with your therapist.
JOSH BRYER, Creative Director, Sydney Australia

What Matt's helped me achieve has been nothing short of monumental.
MO SAHA, Serial Entrepreneur & Painter

Matt stops superstars turning into shooting stars.
MARC LEWIS, Founder & Dean, SCA 2.0
Fusing peak performance psychology and evidence-based psychotherapy with 30 years on the creative frontline, I've got the letters after my name and scars on my back to tackle ANYTHING you bring to the table.
Which means that nothing is too deep, nothing is too dark, and there's nothing I'm not qualified in, battle-tested in, and fully insured to handle.
Some creds
I've spent 20 years studying Psychotherapy, Trauma Recovery, Peak Performance Psychology and Clinical Hypnotherapy at King's College London and the International NLP Trainers Association.
After two decades as a multi award-winning writer and creative director at some of the world's best advertising agencies, I became a Sustainable High Performance coach and psychotherapist by design.
Not because I got fired or made redundant.
I cut my teeth as a Complex Trauma Specialist in Harley Street for some of the bravest people I know. And now I work with some of the most creative, powerful and influential people I've ever met.
Not Jean from Hull or Stu from Gateshead.
BA (Hons), DCH, DHP, Dip Psych (First Class), MNLP, ADv.EFT, MRP. GHR & UKCP registered.

Matt has an incredible ability to unshackle you from the pressures work and life put on you.

When you can’t see the wood for the trees and seriously need to refocus you call Matt.
SASAN ROOHI, Creative Director, DISNEY

Absolutely no bull-crap. Matt is the real deal who gets results.
ZARA INESON, Executive Creative Director, HOUSE 337
Three things happen when we work together...

We eliminate the subconscious bullshit that's holding you back or dragging you down

We unleash the Subconscious Superpotential® that's sitting dormant in your brain

You become the mission-driven FLOW machine you were born to be – not some clone
With over 30,000 hours on the coaching clock...
I've turned creative directors into Chief Creative Officers. Chief Creative Officers into President's. Bootstrapped founders into 7-Figure CEO's. CEO's into global influencers. Promo directors into movie directors. Entrepreneurs into painters. And traumatised cynics into mission-driven believers.
And I can do the same for you.

Burnout isn't sexy until you're fucked. Listen to Matt, his wisdom will save you money on the divorce, breakdown, or rehab bill.

When you’re at the top it’s not always obvious who to turn to. That’s where Matt came in...

I felt at a crossroads and was having a crisis of confidence. I knew instantly that Matt was the one to talk to.
KAT McGETTIGAN, Global Head of Growth, GRAYLING
To crush it at work without work crushing you, your teams, or your marriage, you need the antifragile mindset of a professional athlete, not a punch drunk sadomasochist.
Because Rocky may have gotten away with a brain like Swiss cheese. But you won't...
In a pressure-cooker business like ours, where sharpness of thinking, depth of thought, and an unflappable sense of self, purpose, and perspective can mean the difference between burning bright and burning out, pummelling your number one tool-of-the-trade into submission is not a good idea.
But thanks to masochistic working practices, poor modelling strategies, and next to no mental fitness regime, we've become so mentally and emotionally obese that the bulldozers in our head continue to collide, the hope in our hearts continues to wane, and the chatter in our mind continues to ask, "Why the fuck do we bother?"
It's enough to make you want to jack it all in and join the circus.
Only don't. Because you don't need to suffer for you art. You don't need to be crucified for your craft. And you don't need to fight for your livelihood. And I've got the track record to prove it.

If you want someone to help you untangle the knots in your brain, look no further.
GREG HACKETT, Film Director & Founder, SPINDLE

Working with Matt has changed everything and completely refocused my perspective.

My life is far richer and less restricted with the techniques and philosophies Matt taught me.
So as your coach I'll never nip and tuck around the edges of your life making superficial changes that never stick. We'll dig deep into your flow-driven core. I'll pressure proof you from the inside out. And you'll come out of it stronger, saner, and more certain of your future than you've ever been before.

Follow me on Linkedin & YouTube To Get FREE Peak Performance Tools & Techniques EVERYDAY

Matt's approach is clear and bullshit free. Just how Creatives like it.

I wouldn’t have been able to turn my grief from losing Steve, into being a male mental health campaigner without Matt.
BEN AKERS, Filmmaker and Co-Founder of TALKCLUB

I was blown away by how easily Matt helped me figure out what I want from my career.
EMMA PARRISH, Business Director, KINDRED
So if you want results FAST, PERMANENT and without the paint-by-numbers clichés that the coaching cowboys peddle, let's chat.

"Matt has had a profound impact on my life. First he extricated me from the wreckage of trauma, and then he gave me the tools to improve my wellbeing and focus. I feel extraordinarily fortunate beyond words to have been able to work with him."
NEIL YOUNG, Associate Director, FIRSTLIGHT
But I get it, there's a million people out there saying they're the coach, mentor, therapist or "expert" for you.
So don't take my word for it... ask these guys ⬇️

Company Details
Leading Left is a trading name of FAT SKELETON Ltd.
Stisted Cottage Farm, Hollies Road, Bradwell, CM77 8DZ
VAT Registration: 433 2806 14