In just 8 weeks FLOWSTATE BOOTCAMP™ will give you the coaching, content, and subconscious reprogramming you need to pressure proof your brain, declutter your mind, and eliminate the self-defeating handbrakes holding you back

Ready to Unleash Your Unflinching, Unflappable, Unbreakable Self?

The Target:
Stressed Out High Achievers

The Problem:
Rusting Out or Burning Out

The Goal:
Sustainable High Performance

The Solution:
Flowstate Bootcamp™
Imagine that, a brain that never buckled under pressure, bent under duress, or burnt out under the hood.
Rather than bringing your A-Game to the party one day and your B-Squad the next, you'd be your fully charged, optimised best on a consistent daily basis.
No more Imposter Syndrome. No more toxic head chatter. And no more bulldozers pushing around inside your head.
Sound too good to be true? Think again.
Because after 27 years on the creative frontline I've cracked the code of Sustainable High Performance.
And after a decade of coaching the creative elite I know that unbreakable flow can be programmed into your subconscious as readily as fear can be eliminated and anxiety can be overwritten.
But it wasn’t always so confident...
Back in the Nineties I was a stressed out over achiever on a fast track to oblivion.
Years of mismanaged pressure had battered my anxious brain, and in the relentless pursuit for perfection I was ground down, strung out and running on fumes.
The chinks in my armour had become wide open wounds and as my sense of self, purpose and perspective took a hammering my performance took a dive.
I started flying off the handle for no apparent reason. Defending shit ideas that I knew weren't good enough. And growing more and more distant from the person I was and the people I loved.
Stress and agitation was the energy I channeled, and suffering for your art, taking one for the team and sleeping under your desk was what high performance looked like – or so I was told...
"The work, the work, the work."
"You're only as good as your last idea."
And the greatest lie of them all...
"Pressure creates diamonds!"
That kind of thinking nearly killed me
Running on adrenalin and misinformation put me in intensive care with anaphylactic shock and double lung pneumonia
By 2003 my masochistic way of working had blown my immune system was shit.
But as the saying goes "The worse you feel the less you feel" and so the first I knew about it was when I collapsed in the middle of a Diet Coke shoot and woke up in the ICU.
Battered, bloated, and pumped full of Diazepam the doctor told me I was lucky to be alive, "You were minutes away from a massive cardiac arrest." he warned.
I should have been swinging from the rafters.
I'd dodged a fucking heart attack at 26.
And yet I was pissed off and panicky.
Not because I was in hospital. But because I wasn't at work.
And the guilt of collapsing on the job hit me like a truck.
I felt guilty for being 'weak'. Guilty for going AWOL. And guilty for not seeing this train wreck coming.
What the fuck was I thinking?
What had I turned into?
When had work become more important than life???
I used to be the sanest person I knew.
I used to be hopeful and optimistic.
And here I was beating myself up for being human.
Something inside of me snapped, and I knew that something had to change, FAST.
Because I may have dodged a bullet that time, but the next one was already chambered.
When I walked out of intensive care I did what had to be done
I quit the job of my dreams and went toe-to-toe with toxic high performance

Definitely the best training I’ve been on in a long, long, long, long time!

Enlightening and utterly brilliant!
SIMON MANNION, Creative Partner, IRIS

To say the feedback was glowing would be a gross understatement
GEMMA McCARTNEY, Head of Talent, Cohn & Wolfe
For the next 10 years I threw my creative brain at everything from Positive Psychology, NLP, EFT, EMDR and CBT, to applied Neuroscience, Mindfulness, HeartMath® and Complex Trauma Therapy
And after graduating from King's College London with a first in Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy, I went from being a burnt out adman with a hunger for awards, to a Sustainable High Performance Coach with a thirst for flow.
And Flowstate Bootcamp™ is the pressure-tested product of this burnout fuelled obsession
Fusing the latest findings in neuroscience and peak performance psychology with 27 years on the creative frontline, this results-driven program will give you flow-driven brain you need to:
âś“ Create the best work of your life WITHOUT sacrificing your sanity
âś“ Beat burnout AT THE SAME TIME as raising your standards
âś“ Lead under pressure WITHOUT buckling, bending or burning out

The feedback was incredible and definitely an event I want to run again and again and again!
MARC LEWIS, Founder and Dean, School of Communication Arts 2.0

The best training we’ve ever had.
Bar none.
MAT THOMAS, Senior Manager, Brand Comms, Toyota

It’s stayed with me as one of the most impactful and memorable trainings I’ve ever attended. And I’ve attended a few!
EMILY CHIVERTON, Global HR Selfridges
Without flow there is no sustainable high performance, no consistent innovation, no antifragile wellbeing, and no predictable acts of genius
Without flow there is chronic stress, free-floating anxiety, self-sabotage, toxic head chatter, burnout, disengagement, resentment, fear, frustration, and a monumental loss of love of what you do, why you do it, and who you do it for.
So in this, the Decade of Disruption, Flow isn't a nice-to-have, it's an absolute MUST have.
Because if you want to crush it at work without work crushing you, your teams, or your marriage, you need a brain that doesn't shut down when the bullets fly, blow up when the pressure strikes, or run to the hills when the shit hits the fan.

Flow is the slayer of stress, the antidote to anxiety, and the flourishing brain's answer to the frazzled mind's question, "How the hell am I gonna keep up???"
It's not called The Holy Grail of Peak Performance for nothing
In a pressure-cooker world like ours flow is your unfair advantage, your competitive edge, and your optimal state of thinking, doing and being.
It's the effortless effort that's won million dollar contracts, Olympic Gold Medals, and back-to-back pitches.
It's the performance enhancing rocket fuel that's spearheaded scientific breakthroughs, record breaking performances, and centuries of creative genius.
And it's the feeling you get when your brain goes "WOW!"
When flow replaces fear time bends in your favour, optimism obliterates overwhelm, and your inner voice of doom falls silent.
Free from the shakes of self-doubt and indecision a cascade of feel-good chemicals surge through your energised brain, and a radical shift in neurobiology tightens your focus, expands your awareness, and supercharges your synapses, turning obstacles into opportunities, setbacks into comebacks, and loses into learnings.
Fuelled by positive self talk and an energised tranquility you leapfrog plateaus, tear down boundaries, and tap into the greatest reservoir of insight, instinct, and intuition known to man, woman, or child, your subconscious mind.
Deep in the flow zone nothing is impossible, nothing is unsurmountable, and nothing is standing between you and your wildly important targets.
But the best thing about flow isn't how it FEELS, it's what it DOES...

A decade long study by McKinsey & Co. found that creators and top execs are 5 times more productive in flow

The University of Sydney showed that people in flow have a 430% increase in creative problem solving

Advanced Brain Monitoring in the US Military showed a 490% increase in skill acquisition whilst in flow

Harvard found that subjects had three days of heightened creativity after the flow state
But despite flow's killer features, it's got one helluva flaw – it's so fricking fragile
One minute you’re in the thick of it, powering through your to-do list like Schumacher in the wet, and the next you’re spat out of its loving embrace like a pellet in a pigeon eating competition.
Sometimes you blame your environment for knocking you out of flow, sometimes you blame the people in it, but the real reason the plug got pulled was because something bubbled up from your subconscious mind and made it so, a limiting belief, a dirty goal, an unconscious bias, or an unresolved trauma...
Conflicts like this are the enemy of UNBREAKABLE FLOW and the SUBCONSCIOUS SABOTEUR that's responsible for fuelling them, has wiped out more hopes, dreams and aspirations than stress, anxiety, and pandemics combined.

In Flowstate Bootcamp™ you won't just identify your Subconscious Saboteur, you'll obliterate it
Type "flow state training" into Google and you get 3.7 billion results. And NONE of links I've ever clicked on ever talk about (let alone successfully tackle) the subconscious part of you that's hellbent on BLOCKING your ability to flow unbound.
Which is why most of the stuff they teach flies out the window when the shit hits the fan and you need flow most.
Until you eliminate the subconscious bullshit that's working AGAINST your goals, dreams, and aspirations, you can do all the box breathing, gratitude journaling, and vision boarding you like, but you'll snap back into fearful patterns of unconscious behaviour whenever stress strikes.
For flow to be unbreakable it has to be an unconscious habit that happens OUTSIDE your conscious awareness, NOT something you consciously do or have to think about.

Flowstate Bootcamp™ gives you the Subconscious MindRecoding™ you need to flow in the face of fear, grow in the company of chaos, and thrive in a world of uncertainty
The Flowstate Bootcamp Protocol is Simple



When you can IGNITE peak flow states on demand, AMPLIFY them to the point of extreme effectiveness, and SUSTAIN them in the face of challenge, change and uncertainty, you'll live a flow-driven life you never want to escape from.
And everything in Flowstate Bootcamp™ is designed and delivered to make that happen.
- You make a living from the quality and speed of ideas that come out of your brain
- You've achieved great things in your life but you KNOW there's so much more left untapped
- You're sick and tired of waking up tired, exhausted, and hanging by a thread
- You can't afford to trade your health and happiness for success
- You've got high standards for yourself and don't want them to slip under pressure
- You're done with working like a modern-day slave with a ticking time bomb in your head
- You're stuck on a plateau and want the hell off
- You want to future proof your career
- You're addicted to stress and have no intention whatsoever of giving up the victim card
- You're looking for some New Age, woo-woo, or wishy-washy bullshit
- You don't have between 2 and 3 hours a week for the next 5 weeks to change your life
- You're perfectly happy with stressing yourself out until you drop down dead
- You think you already know everything there is to know about high performance
- You'd quite like to experience burnout yourself
What Sets Flowstate Bootcamp™ Apart?
Every tool, tactic, and step-by-step protocol you'll learn in Flowstate Bootcamp™ has been tried and torture tested on the creative battlefield in the heat of extreme pressure and competition. And anything that didn't stand up to its promise of igniting, amplifying or sustaining unbreakable flow got perfected or rejected.
I've studied peak performance psychology at the most prestigious institutions and universities in the world, but I'm NOT a pen pusher, theorist, academic, or flowstate enthusiast. I was born and raised in some of the most mentally and emotionally demanding creative companies in the industry and I've relied on flow to thrive.
Over the past 8 years some of the world's best brains and businesses have passed through Flowstate Bootcamp™
And if the results they got didn't stick like bricks when the pressure got intense, me and this bootcamp would have been resigned to the recycling bin years ago.
How Flowstate Bootcamp™ Works
The goal of Flowstate Bootcamp™ is to take you from THEORY to PRACTICE to MASTERY in 5 weeks. And we do that by taking a hybrid approach to learning which gives you the theory though pre-recorded videos, the practice through weekly Zoom workshops, and the mastery through post session MindRecoding™ audios.

When you register for Flowstate Bootcamp™ you'll unlock the pre-recorded video training program. These bite sized chunks of flow goodness will take you step-by-step through the 4 pillars of UNBREAKABLE FLOW (Ignite, Amplify, Sustain and Embed) in a way which will give you the wisdom, models, and frameworks you need to know and understand before we meet as a group to do the practical implementation exercises.
Time investment = 30-40 minutes per week

For each of the following 5 weeks we'll meet LIVE on Zoom for a Make It Real session. These 2 hour workshops will give you the high level coaching and peer-to-peer support you need to put your flowstate theory into practice. Don’t worry if you can’t attend a live session as they'll all be recorded and uploaded to the Flowstate Bootcamp™ membership portal for you to watch (or rewatch) at a time that suit you.
Time investment = 2 hours per week

Af the beginning of each week you'll download that modules MindRecoding™ audio which supports the training videos. These precision-engineered audio sessions combine the best of CBT, NLP and clinical hypnotherapy to instal a flow trigger in your brain, eliminate any Subconscious Saboteurs, and reenforce your flow identity. This turns flow from an elusive state to a hardwired trait.
Time investment: 20 minutes per day
Every Week for 5 Weeks You'll Receive:

Comprehensive Training Videos

Downloadable Worksheets

Full Video Transcripts

Subconscious Mind Recoding MP3

Scientifically Proven Protocols

Active Comments Section

Comprehensive Library of Resources

Lifetime Access To All Content

Burnout isn't sexy until you're fucked. Listen to Matt, his wisdom will save you money on the divorce, breakdown, or rehab bill.
Sam Huges, Creative, Anomaly
BA (Hons), DCH, DHP (Distinction), MNLP, Adv. EFT (Level 3), MRP, EMDR, CBT, GHR Registered
Fusing 20 years as a multi award-winning copywriter and creative director at Wieden+ Kennedy, M&C Saatchi, and Clemenger BBDO, with 14 years as a complex trauma specialist and creative leadership coach, I've got the letters after my name and scars on my back, to deliver the no-holds-barred, woo-woo-free knowledge, wisdom, and toolset you need to crush it at work without work crushing you, your teams, or your marriage.
When I'm not coaching clients one-on-one, studying the latest neuroscience, or running trainings and workshops for the likes of Fox, Disney, Bentley, Toyota, Lexus and every PR and ad agency in the world, I'm recording my podcast (The Pressure Proof Creative), finishing off my upcoming book (through John Hunt Publishing), or snapping strings on my Gibson Les Paul.
Today, everything I coach, teach, and preach is pressure-tested to the extreme and stripped clean of any fluff, filler, or unactionable bullshit.
Quick Facts
I've spent 20 years studying Psychotherapy, Applied Neuroscience, Peak Performance Psychology and Clinical Hypnotherapy at King's College London and the International NLP Trainers Association.
After two decades as a writer and creative director at some of the world's best advertising agencies, I became a sustainable high performance leadership coach and workshop facilitator by design.
Not because I got fired or made redundant.
I cut my teeth as a complex trauma specialist for some of the bravest people I know. And now I work with some of the most creative, powerful, and influential people I've ever met.
Not Jean from Slough or Stu from Hull.

It’s no exaggeration to say that this man has saved me. His methods and teachings are fascinating and life changing. And his experience in the industry means he truly understands the pressures we face.
Marc Donaldson, Design Director and Head of Art
Ready to turn flow from a fleeting state to a hardwired trait?
Why does Flowstate Bootcamp exist?
What's the killer feature of Flowstate Bootcamp?
When does Flowstate Bootcamp begin?
How many hours a week will I need to put aside to get the most out of this?
Is this a live program?
I'm a busy person, will I get overwhelmed by the content and lose focus?
The isn't going to be all woo-woo-y is it?
Do I have a limited amount of time to access the program?
Once Enrolled in the 8-Week Bootcamp You'll Get:

After securely checking out you'll get instant access to a password protected members portal. Here you'll have access to the first weeks content which you can watch, listen to, and read on a desktop or phone. The content for weeks 2-5 will be drip-fed into your personal members area every 7th day.

Flowstate Bootcamp™ is a pressure-tested program with in-depth video lessons and detailed action steps which builds a brain that defaults to flow-and-excel on demand. Weekly scorecards help you track and measure your progress as you move from flowstate novice to master.

When you log into your portal you'll get access to the first of 5 neuroscientifically-backed MindRecoding™ audios. These sessions bypass your conscious firewall and instal a flow trigger in your brain before eliminating any subconscious bullshit that's tripping you up.

Money Back Guarantee
Flowstate Bootcamp™ is built on the latest research in flow science, neuroscience, and peak performance psychology, so I’m extremely confident that if you do the work and listen to the Subconscious Mind Recoding audios you’ll see incredible results. However, if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with your results email me within 30 days of your enrolment date and I’ll return your investment in full. No questions asked.